Drinking water

In 1967, the Beatles released their hit song “All you need is love”. As catchy as it sounds, I’d like to rephrase it a bit. All you need is drinking water. Can you imagine your day without a cold and refreshing glass of drinking water? Have you ever wondered what drinking water is and what makes drinking water so tasty?

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The nature of water

Why is water still an issue if it covers more than 70% of our planet? This resource is not always located in an accessible place and doesn’t always reach the safe drinking water standards for consumption. Therefore, water security and management are among the biggest challenges the world faces today. 

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7 reasons why you should consider a prefab house

The process of buying a house has changed incredibly in the last couple of decades. A purchase that used to take a long time and would require thorough browsing of a local newspaper can now be done online in seconds and from nearly anywhere in the world.

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